Saturday, May 12, 2012

Todd & Trina Forbush

(Todd and Trina Forbush and their family)

Todd and Trina Forbush are Senior Direct VI level employees with BuildPlanB and it’s manufacturing group. Being examples to the great success people can find with this company, they discuss their past and how Build Plan B has changed their life.

Before BuildPlanB, Todd and his wife, Trina, had successful businesses that were shattered by the effects of the economic recession. “I owned a construction company. Smaller remodel jobs and stuff, roofing and siding,” Todd said, “I had up to 8 crews going at a time until the economy hit us; My wife ran a ladies’ fitness gym that we owned, the economy hit that and we had to close that too.”

Todd and Trina feared for their family’s future. “We were kind of scared,” Todd said, “we didn’t know what was going to happen to us.” But then a decision made by Todd and Trina to support their son in his own endeavors, created a greater opportunity than they first saw. “My boy came to me, he was going to school at the time and said ‘I want to talk to you’; we sat down and he just sprung it on us. And when he said he was doing [this company] I thought he was crazy. After he got done explaining everything, we said ‘yeah, we’ll help you out, we’ll be your customers,’ and we just enrolled as customers…after we started using all of the products, we realized that ‘Wow these really are better than everything else that we use and they’re more cost effective’, so we shared them.”

Just after a few months with the company Todd and Trina decided to focus all of their energy on it and now, just a few years later, use this as their sole income. “It’s changed our lives,” Todd said, “I get to spend more time with my kids than ever before, it’s been such a blessing in my life… I can actually see a future for my family.”

Todd and Trina Forbush’s experience is not abnormal, where they are in their lives is a totally reachable objective for anyone that is interested in making BuildPlanB a career. They have made it, so can you.